Types of Barriers to the Integration of the EU Gas Market
The article discusses the problem of barriers to the integration of the EU internal energy market. The study is concentrated on gas market. The EU needs to combine particular gas markets and integrate gas networks in order to create energy highways. This article applies a combination of factor and systematic analysis and comparative research methods. The study includes the analysis of official EU documents such as documents and directives, as well as the Network Code on Capacity Allocations. The analyses and research tasks include: the analysis of the potential model of integration of the gas market, the analysis of the level of reserved capacity of existing interconnectors in Europe by 2030, the analysis of the role of LNG terminals on the EU gas market, the analysis of traffic capacity of the existing interconnectors that allows to determine further investments and the types of barriers to the gas market integration process. The results of the article are: the direction of the integration process of the EU gas market, identification of the significance of LNG terminals in the gas market in Europe, identification of the main types of barriers which could protect the national gas markets and contribute to slowing down the integration process. The integration of the EU gas market is a challenge because the member states will protect their interests as well as their own energy companies. The creation of the EU internal energy market necessitates the development of energy infrastructure as well as good regulations. It is also important to increase the understanding of and trust in the energy field between European Union countries, at the expense of national interests, in order to achieve energy solidarity in the EU gas market.
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