Integration of Latvian Immigrants in Germany Throuch Psychological Well-being and Engagement with the Cultural Community
Immigrants, psychological well- being, integration, immigrants engagement, Latvian AssociationAbstract
To raise and/ or increase a psychological well-being of Latvian immigrants in Germany and facilitate their integration, the Latvian Association where Latvian immigrants have an opportunity to come together, mark holidays, cherish traditions, as well as get involved in amateur art groups, has been founded. Some quantitative studies on immigrants’ satisfaction with life in Germany are available, but studies on the Latvian immigrants in Germany have not been conducted so far. The aim of the study is to research the psychological well-being of Latvian immigrants and their engagement with their cultural community in Germany. To define 6 dimensions of well-being in a sample of the Latvian immigrants in Germany, survey on psychological well-being, and a survey developed by the authors on attracting immigrants to the community were used as data collection methods. Findings of the research showed that, the most important dimensions of the psychological well-being of the Latvian immigrants are described by articles of the Life Purpose scale. It means that the Latvian immigrants in Germany strive to fulfil their goals and make their lives better with purpose to integrate into the German environment. Respondents rated high also the Environmental Mastery dimension, meaning that Latvian immigrants are able to provide for their daily needs abroad. Articles of the Personal Growth scale were rated low. It shows the fact that the Latvian immigrants are unable to facilitate their personal growth, though in Germany they receive higher salary than in Latvia, as this salary is still in the low-wage segment of Germany. The Autonomy scale resonating with the status of immigrants and their dependence on various authorities is also evaluated very low. Articles related to the Affiliation scale showed that the most important engagement factors for the Latvian immigrants in Germany were emotions, Latvian traditions, and Latvian’s. The Inspiring People scale received the lowest evaluation among the engagement factors. In addition, the Distance factor was evaluated with low scores, what can be explained in two ways – either the Association is too far from the place of residence or the distance is insignificant, and some Latvians will visit the Association, regardless of it.
Keywords: immigrants, psychological well-being, integration, immigrants’ engagement, Latvian Association
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