Nordic-Baltic Cooperation: Old-new Trends or Possible Balance for Challenged European Integration Processes?


  • Jurgita Barynienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Živilė Paužaitė
  • Rasa Daugėlienė



macro-region; cooperation; Nordic-Baltic region; European integration; processes.


The transnational cooperation is seen as important research object especially in the light of today’s world challenges such as war in Ukraine, Covid-19, Euroscepticism, migration and others. In this context intensive cooperation among the Nordic and Baltic countries can be discovered as new normal for transnational development.

The rationale of Nordic and Baltic countries cooperation is common interest in stability, security and welfare in the Baltic Sea region and beyond, and has existed for quite some time. It should be emphasized that the cooperation in the Nordic and Baltic region has overcome many challenges. Nevertheless, the idea of cooperation in this region is stronger than ever. In the light of global and regional political instability, it is crucial to maintain political dialogue, strengthen and develop cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries.

A spread of stronger populism uncovered an existential tension of European integration processes. In response to the European-wide crisis it is the possibility for Nordic States react to emerging challenges by deepening the integration between the Nordic countries in the light of European integration processes during their critical moment.

With reference to the context described above, the purpose of the research is to identify the added value of cooperation of Nordic and Baltic countries for further regional development.

The tasks of the research were set as follows: 1) to identify benefits of cooperation among countries in the context of different theories and practices; 2) to analyse the cooperation of the Nordic-Baltic countries in the period from 1990 - 2020 and its implications for growth of Baltic sea region; 3)to discuss the EU macro-regional strategies and identify their added value for further regional development.

Research methods: scientific literature analysis, analytical interpretations of the EU documents as well as future prognosis on cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Author Biography

Jurgita Barynienė, Kaunas University of Technology


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Economics of the European Union