Employment Precarization and Skilled Labour Migration in Western EU Countries


  • Kamile Botyriute University of Pavia




precarious work, migration, emigration, labour markets, highly skilled, part-time employment, short-term employment, involuntary part-time employment


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employment precariousness and high skilled migration. There exists a large number of studies investigating the effects of precarious employment on various issues ranging from unemployment to job insecurity, however, the studies on precariousness effects on migration are scarce. In addition, in scholarly literature, high skilled migration in developed economies is presented as a specific migration with patterns differing from those from low-income countries or among those with lower educational attainment. For these reasons, data from a relatively homogeneous sample of EU-15 or Western European countries that represent the highly developed European sub-region was selected. In the analysis, fixed-effects linear regression was applied. The model included part-time, involuntary part-time, temporary, involuntary temporary, short-term employment, unemployment and earnings as independent variables and the emigration of people with tertiary education as a dependent variable. The analysis showed that involuntary part-time and short-term employment are significant positive predictors of high skilled emigration. Meanwhile, unemployment and earnings did not predict high-skilled labour mobility in the sample of EU-15 countries. The results support the implication that labour precariousness may be related to increased emigration of those with higher education in developed economies.


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Economics of the European Union